H/H MHC Vintage 0101
Registration Number: 4359653
Date of Birth: February 18, 2020
Sire: Red Six Mile Big Timber 654C
Dam: VF Blockana C306-8149
Semen: Available Privately
*Better Picture Coming Soon*
Herdsire at Murray’s that is adding performance and power in a very flexible package.

NIO Black Moon 0047
Registration Number: 4370161
Date of Birth: February 5, 2020
Sire: Six Mile John Wick 882E
Dam: Blairs Blackbird 107X
Semen: Available at Cattle Visions
Our very exciting new herdsire John Wick x Blackbird 107x. Calves are hitting the ground now and proving to be very heifer safe.

MHC Rexyn J305
Registration Number: 4463359
Date of Birth: March 5, 2021
Sire: CRSL Navaho
Dam: SUTH Conchetta Chica 733F
Yearling bull out of one of our favorite cows and probably the best uddered one on the farm. Perfect footed and hard to fault. He will be cleaning up the heifer pen for us this spring.
FOR SALE Private Treaty

Six Mile John Wick 882E
Registration Number: 3786643
Date of Birth: February 19, 2017
Sire: Red U-2 Reckoning 149A
Dam: Red Six Mile & Co Gloria 29A
A Sire that needs no introduction and one we have had a lot of success with. He is know to add bone, middle, eye appeal and flawless structure without sacrificing performance.
Contact us about multiple Wick embryo opportunities.

Mann Red Box 55C
Registration Number: 3525359
Date of Birth: September 6, 2015
Sire: SLGN Wideload 920W
Dam: Pelton Miss AJA 0839U
Red Box has been consistently producing Champions across the country.

Duff Red Blood 18114
Registration Number: 4091208
Date of Birth: March 5, 2018
Sire: Rojas Rioja 6052
Dam: DUFF Juanada 927K 15124
Red Blood is an exciting outcross sire with his MGDam, OCC Juanada 927K who has made a major impact in the Angus Breed. Sired by the Champion producing sire, Rioja 6052 who had a daughter that was 2019 National Reserve Grand Bred and Owned, division champions and class winners. Rioja 6052’s dam [Six Mile Lakota 112Y] produced National Champions in Denver.

MANN Pinnacle 712
Registration Number: 4299875
Date of Birth: March 12, 2018
Sire: PZC TMAS Firestorm 1800 ET
Dam: Pelton Miss AJA 0839U
Pinnacle has been commanding the attention of breeders since his first public offering of semen in April 2021. His proven pedigree (Firestorm x Miss Aja) and stunning phenotype, combined with his athletic build and big hoof, make this combination an easy choice for any cattleman.

EGL Guidance 9117
Registration Number: 4208972
Date of Birth: March 12, 2019
Sire: MCD Spur 6111
Dam: AHL Duchess 427B
The $70,000 high-selling Guidance is an extremely complete bull in all aspects. His continued heavy use in some of the top Red Angus programs in the nation allows you to buy with confidence on this mating. The offspring will be good on paper and in person.

Damar Next D852 “Lexus”
Registration Number: 3598408
Date of Birth: September 5, 2016
Sire: Silveiras Mission Nexus 1378
Dam: Damar Mimi W085
Next is a maternal brother to both the 2019 Grand Champion Denver Bull and Female out of the infamous Damar Mimi W085. The go-to heifer AI Sire for us, proven calving ease without sacrificing anything.

Bieber CL Stockmarket E119
Registration Number: 3751659
Date of Birth: January 15, 2017
Sire: Pie Stockman 4051
Dam: Bieber CL Adelle 475C
Stockmarket ranks in the top 4-6% for HB,GM,WW,YW,ADG,CEM, and MARB. He also boasts a $Profit @ $19,784 and $Ranch @ $86.

Weber Reform 618
Registration Number: 3535729
Date of Birth: February 2, 2016
Sire: Bieber Rollin Deep Y118
Dam: BJF Lana's Equal 8021U
Reform was 2017 Agribition Grand Champion Red Angus Bull and has had a major impact at VF Red Angus, Six Mile Ranch, and Weber Land and Cattle. He has a very balanced EPD profile, impeccable structure, is stout featured, and smooth fronted.

MLRA Resource 137E
Registration Number: 1955865
Date of Birth: February 1, 2017
Sire: MRLA Reload 56C
Dam: MRLA Miss 4422B
Resource has taken North America by storm siring the $130,000 Township and heifers at $116,500/$75,000/$30,000 at major sales this fall. He had 30 daughters at U2 Dispersal average over $9,000! Resource 173E is a total outcross [back to SAV Resource] bull that is adding tremendous type and shape to cattle.

Red Six Mile Parabellum 675G
Registration Number: 4161396
Date of Birth: April 2, 2019
Sire: Six Mile John Wick 882E
Dam: Red Six Mile Kuruba 712A
Parabellum is dark red bull that combines elite phenotype with a well balanced EPD profile and superior foot quality. Sired by the breed changing Red Six Mile John Wick 882E whose semen has been consistently selling for over $1000/ straw and a Kuruba dam with a near perfect bag. With his sire's semen in short supply, look to this son to continue the family tradition of moving the breed forward.
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Murray Hay and Cattle
A highly efficient,
integrated, and progressiveAg Company that will provide
and prosper for future generations.

Contact Info
34949 Santiam Hwy
Lebanon, OR 97355
(503) 710-1474